Action Item (1/6)
First, take a moment to review the dates listed. We recommend you put these important dates (like your deadline for moving out) into your preferred calendar tool. Note that students must be enrolled full time to maintain eligibility.
Scroll down to review and act on the documents in the DocuSign section.
Here, begin by clicking the box to "agree to electronic signatures", then click the yellow "continue" button that appears to the right of the box.
Please note that if you are under tha age of 18, your parent or guardian will need to sign the contract as well. Follow the instructions provided to those students to include them in the signature process.
Click the yellow "start" button that appears on the upper left of the contract window. Review the contract carefully.
Once you have reviewed the entire contract, you'll reach the signature box at the bottom and click the yellow "sign" button to the left of the signature line. A window will appear that allows you to input your digital signature.
Once you've signed, click the yellow "finish" button (which appears at the at the top right of the DocuSign window and at the bottom under your signature, click either).
After you click "finish", be sure scroll to the very bottom of the page where you should find that the navy button which previously read "2022-23 Academic Year Application | Pending Signature - Submit" now says ""2022-23 Academic Year Application |Contract Signed - Continue".
First-year students only will see a notice regarding the requirement that they maintain a meal plan for the length of their housing contract.